At the heart of 1st Generation lies the captivating story of its founder, Elaine Ng. Born and raised as a first-generation Chinese American in the vibrant city of San Francisco, Elaine's journey is one of cultural richness, resilience, and a deep connection to her roots.
Elaine's experiences as a first-generation individual have been instrumental in shaping the very essence of 1st Generation. From the bustling streets of Chinatown to the diverse neighborhoods of San Francisco, her upbringing has left an indelible mark on her brand's vision and values.
What sets 1st Generation apart is Elaine's unique ability to infuse her products with a delightful mix of nostalgia, humor, and insightful storytelling. Each creation is a testament to her commitment to authenticity and relatability. The result is not just a brand but a bridge that connects communities, generations, and diverse audiences.
While deeply rooted in her own community, Elaine's vision extends beyond borders. 1st Generation is more than a brand; it's a celebration of shared experiences, a nod to the past, and a step towards a harmonious future where cultures come together seamlessly.